diminutions: arpeggios
With the invention of the sustain pedal, a pianist could easily move up and down the keyboard with all kinds of broken chords. Book nr. 10 of Franz Liszt's Technische Studien (1868-73) includes a large collection of broken chord exercises, usually with both hands moving simultaneously as shown in the following example:
In April 1923, The Etude music magazine published an interview titled New Lights on the Art of the Piano with pianist-composer Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943), discussing among other things exercises for pianists. This exercise written down according to the instructions Rachmaninov gave in this interview, has the full range of all chords to be practiced.
Anton Reicha (1770-1836) provides in his Etudes ou Exercises pour le Piano-Forté (1803) an interesting exercise in a stepwise chord progression.
Other interesting piano methods with series of exercises are listed below. More can be found in the section publications.
Hélène de Montgeroult (1764-1836)
Cours complet pour l'enseignement du forte piano, (vol.1) (composed 1788-1812)
Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870) & François-Jospeh Fétis (1784-1871)
Méthode des méthodes, Op.98 (1837)