The following publications may not be directly related to preluding, but may contribute in some way
to advanced harmonic knowledge and contemporary performance techniques.
Rafael Joseffy (1852-1915)
School of Advanced Piano Playing (1902)
Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)
Harmonielehre (1911)
Vasily Safonov (1852-1918)
New Formula (for the Piano Teacher and Piano Student) (1913)
Alberto Jonás (1868-1943)
Master School of Virtuoso Piano Playing (1922-29)
Marcel Dupré (1886-1971)
Complete course in organ improvisation (Paris, 1925)
Joseph Schillinger (1895-1943)
The Schillinger System of Musical Composition (1941)
Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)
Unterweisung im Tonsatz (1935-45)
Traditional Harmony (1943)
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
Technique de mon langage musical (1944)
Nicolas Slonimsky (1894-1995)
Thesaurus Of Scales And Melodic Patterns (1947)
George Russell (1923-2009)
Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization (1953)
Rudolph Reti (1885-1957)
Tonality, Atonality, Pantonality: A study of some trends in twentieth century music (1958)
Walter Piston (1894-1876)
Harmony (1959)
Marguerite Long (1874-1966)
Le Piano (1959)
Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987)
Twentieth-Century Harmony: Creative Aspects and Practice (1961)
Konrad Rudolf
Compendium der Klavierimprovisation (1991)
Mark Levine (1938-2022)
The Jazz Piano Book (1989)
The Jazz Theory Book (1995)
Clare Fischer (1928-2012)
Harmonic Exercises for Piano (1996)
William Allaudin Mathieu (1937)
Harmonic Experience (1997)
Anna Butterworth
Harmony in Practice (1999)
Elliot Carter (1908-2012)
Harmony Book (2001)
Diether de la Motte (1928-2010)
Harmonielehre (2007)
Pierre Van Dormael (1952-2008)
Four Principles to Understand Music (2008)
Marilyn Nonken
The Spectral Piano (2014)
The Chord Scale Theory & Jazz Harmony (2015)
Barry Harris (1929-2021)
Jazz Theory with Barry Harris, Part One
(check out part 2-7 on Jazz at Lincoln Center's JAZZ ACADEMY)