to read​
Valerie Woodring Goertzen
By Way of Introduction: Preluding by 18th- and Early 19th-Century Pianists. Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 299-337 (1996)
University of California Press
Dana Gooley
Fantasies of Improvisation (2018)
Oxford University Press
Gianmario Borio & Angela Carone
Musical Improvisation and Open Forms in the Age of Beethoven (2018)
Claudio Bacciagaluppi
Die Kunst des Präludierens
Bacciagaluppi, Cl. & Brotbeck, R. & Gerhard, A. (eds.)
Kenneth Hamilton
After The Golden Age (2008)
Oxford University Press
Bert Mooiman
An Improvisatory Approach to Nineteenth-Century Music (2021)
Donald D. Livingston
Versuch einer Anleitung zum Präludieren:
a 21st century method for 18the century practice (2019)
Indiana University US
Betty Bang Mather & David Lasocki
The Art of Preluding, 1700-1830, for Flutists, Oboists, Clarinettists and Other Performers
New York: McGinnis & Marx, 1984
Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935)
The Art of Improvisation (1925)
John J. Mortensen
The Pianist's Guide to Historic Improvisation (2020)​
Robert O. Gjerdingen
Music in the Galant Style (2007)
Oxford University Press​​​​
Javier Lupiáñez
Ewald Demeyere
Robert O. Gjerdingen
Jeroen Malaise
Tussen twee revoluties. De artistieke speeltuin in klaviermethodes uit de vroege negentiende eeuw (Forum+, Dutch)